题目:Nanoparticle for immune tolerance

报告人:Dr. Tian Xia








报告人简历:Dr. Tian Xia is anassociate professor of Medicine in Division of NanoMedicine, Department of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His main research area is on the environmental and health impacts of engineered nanomaterials with the goal to understand the nanostructure property activity relationships. He has established toxicological profiles for over 100 different nanomaterials covering the major material categories including carbonaceous materials (fullerene, graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes (single-, multi-walled), metal (Au, Ag) and metal oxides (transition metal oxide, rare earth oxide), silica, III-V materials. Research findings have been used for safer design of nanomaterials and development of environmental and biomedical applications. He has published over 120 articles in Science, Nature Materials, ACS Nano, JACS, Nano Letters, etc. Hewas selected as theHighly Cited Researcher in Chemistry in 2016-2019  by Clarivate Analytics, with total citationsover 30,000 and H index >60.