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恭喜陈兰花老师在Chem. Eur. J.上发表文章

日期:2016-06-24 人气:383 

Lanhua Chen, Tao Zheng, Songsong Bao, Linjuan Zhang, Hsin-Kuan Liu, Limin Zheng, Jianqiang Wang, Yaxing Wang, Juan Diwu*, Zhifang Chai, Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt, and Shuao Wang*,A Mixed-Valent Uranium Phosphonate Framework Containing U(IV), U(V), and U(VI), Chem. Eur. J., 2016, Accepted.

Abstract:In this work, we showed that UVO2+ ions can reside at UVIO22+ lattice sites during mild reduction and crystallization process under solvothermal conditions, yielding a complicated and rare mixed-valent uranium phosphonate compound that simultaneously contains U(IV), U(V), and U(VI). The presence of uranium with three oxidation states was confirmed by various characterization techniques including X-ray crystallography, X-ray photoelectron, electron paramagnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared, UV-vis-NIR absorption, magneti** measurements, and synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
