
日期:2019-10-23 人气:2186 



姓名:李瑞宾                 性别:男                     民族:汉

籍贯:甘肃武威            出生年月:1982/09     




2016-现在  苏州大学放射医学与防护国家重点实验室   教授/博导

2011-2016  加州大学洛杉矶分校         博士后 导师:Andre Nel & Tian Xia

2005.09-2011.06 中科院大连化学物理研究所  分析化学博士 导师:邹汉法

2001.09-2005.06 北京科学技术大学      应用化学本科






       2011年博士毕业于中科院大连化物所,2011-2016年在美国UCLA从事博士后研究。主持科技部国际合作重点项目,基金委面上项目,江苏省“双创团队”等科技项目。获得海外高层次人才青年项目资助,入选ELSEVIER 19-20年度中国高被引学者。在Nat CommunJACS, Angew ChemEHPACS NanoSmallPFT等期刊发表了一系列研究论文,主要成果包括:(1)发现了二维纳米材料引发细胞铁死亡的机理;(2)阐述了稀土纳米材料溶酶体生物转化激活NLRP3炎性小体的作用机制;(3)系统探索了纳米表面构效关系,发展精准安全性修饰策略。转让专利一项,获得一类医疗器械产品注册证两项。







2018年,江苏省社会发展重点项目, 200万,项目主持;

2017年,江苏省双创人才计划 50万,  项目主持;

2017年,江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目,  30, 项目主持;




1.        Wang, W.; Kong, Y.; Jiang, J.; Xie, Q; Huang, Y.; Li, G.; Wu, D.; Zheng, H.; Gao, M.; Xu S.; Pan, Y.; Li, W.; Ma, R.; Li, X.; Zuilhof, Z.; Cai, C.;Li, R.*, Engineering the Protein Corona Structure on Gold Nanoclusters Enables Red‐Shifted Emissions in the Second Near‐infrared Window for Gastrointestinal Imaging,Angew Chem,2020, 22431.

2.        Wu, D.; Li, J.; Xu, S.; Xie, Q.; Pan, Y.; Liu, X.; Ma, R.; Zheng, H.; Gao, M.; Wang, W.; Li, J.; Cai, X.; Jaouen, F.*; Li, R.*, Engineering Fe-N Doped Graphene to Mimic Biological Functions of NADPH Oxidase in Cells, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 19602.

3.         Gao, M.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, H.; Wang, L.; Xu, X.; Liu, X.; Li, W.; Pan, Y.; Wang, W.; Cai, X.; Wu, R.; Gao, X.*; Li, R.*, Two-Dimensional Tin Selenide (SnSe) Nanosheets Capable of Mimicking Key Dehydrogenases in Cellular Metaboli**, Angew. Chem., 2020, 132, 3618-3623.

4.         Xu, S.; Zheng, H.; Ma, R.; Wu, D.; Pan, Y.; Yin, C.; Gao, M.; Wang, W.; Li, W.; Liu, S.; Chai, Z.; Li, R.*,Vacancies on 2D transition metal dichalcogenides elicit ferroptotic cell death,Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 3484.

5.         Huang, Y.; Li, X*.; Xu, S.; Zheng, H.; Zhang, L.; Chen, J.; Hong, H.; Kusko, R.; Li. R.*, Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Models for Predicting Inflammatory Potential of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2020, 128, 067010.

6.         Cai, X.; Liu, X.; Jiang, J.; Gao, M.; Wang, W.; Zheng, H.; Xu, S.; Li, R.*, Molecular Mechani**s, Characterization methods and Utilities of Nanoparticle Biotransformation in Nanosafety Asses**ents, Small, 2020, 1907663.

7.         Zheng, H.; Ji, Z.; Roy, K.; Gao, M.; Pan, X.; Cai, X.; Wang, L.; Li, W.; Chang, C.; Kaweeteerawat, C.; Chen, C.; Xia, T.; Zhao, Y.; Li, R*, ACS Nano, 2019, 11488.

8.         Cai, X.; Dong, J.; Liu, J.; Zheng, H.; Kaweeteerawat, C.; Wang F., Ji Z.*; Li, R.*, Multi-hierarchical profiling the structure-activity relationships of engineered nanomaterials at nano-bio interfaces, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 4416.

9.         Li, R.; Guiney, L.; Chang, C.; Mansukhani, N.; Ji, Z.; Wang, X.; Liao, Y.; Jiang, W.; Sun, B.; Hersam, M. Nel, A.*; Xia, T.*, Surface oxidation of graphene oxide determines membrane damage, lipid peroxidation, and cytotoxicity in macrophages in a pulmonary toxicity model, ACS Nano, 2018, 1390.

10.     Zheng, H.; Ma, R.; Gao, M.; Tian, X.; Li, Y.; Zeng, L.*; Li, R.*, Antibacterial applications of graphene oxides: structure-activity relationships, molecular initiating events and biosafety, Science Bulletin, 2018, 133.

11.     Cai, X.; Lee, A.; Ji, Z.; Huang, C.; Chang, C. H.; Wang, X.; Liao, Y.-P.; Xia, T.*; Li, R.*, Reduction of pulmonary toxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles by phosphonate-based surface passivation. Particle and Fibre Toxicology2017,1413.

12.     Li, R., Guiney, L.M., Chang, C., Mansukhani, N.D., Ji, Z., Wang, X., Liao, Y., Jiang, W., Sun, B., Hersam, M.C., Nel, A.E., Xia, T.*, Surface oxidation of graphene oxide determines membrane damage, lipid peroxidation, and cytotoxicity in macrophages in a pulmonary toxicity model. ACS Nano2018, 12 (2): 1390-1402.

13.     Cai, X.; Li, R.*, Concurrent profiling of polar metabolites and lipids in human pla**a using HILIC-FTMS. Scientific Reports,2016,6.

14.     Li, R.; Mansukhani, N. D.; Guiney, L. M.; Ji, Z.; Zhao, Y.; Chang, C. H.; French, C. T.; Miller, J. F.; Hersam, M. C.; Nel, A. E.; Xia, T., Identification and Optimization of Carbon Radicals on Hydrated Graphene Oxide for Ubiquitous Antibacterial Coatings. ACS Nano2016,10 (12), 10966-10980.

15.     Li, R.; Wang, F.; Liu, H.; Wu, R. a.; Zou, H., Nano LC-MS Based Proteomic Analysis as a Predicting Approach to Study Cellular Responses of Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2016, 16 (3), 2350-2359.

16.     Li, R.; Ji, Z.; Dong, J.; Chang, C. H.; Wang, X.; Sun, B.; Wang, M.; Liao, Y.-P.; Zink, J. I.; Nel, A. E.; Xia, T., Enhancing the Imaging and Biosafety of Upconversion Nanoparticles through Phosphonate Coating. ACS Nano2015,9 (3), 3293-3306.

17.     Li, R.; Ji, Z.; Chang, C. H.; Dunphy, D. R.; Cai, X.; Meng, H.; Zhang, H.; Sun, B.; Wang, X.; Dong, J.; Lin, S.; Wang, M.; Liao, Y.-P.; Brinker, C. J.; Nel, A.; Xia, T., Surface Interactions with Compartmentalized Cellular Phosphates Explain Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticle Hazard and Provide Opportunities for Safer Design. ACS Nano2014,8 (2), 1771-1783.

18.     Li, R.; Ji, Z.; Qin, H.; Kang, X.; Sun, B.; Wang, M.; Chang, C. H.; Wang, X.; Zhang, H.; Zou, H.; Nel, A. E.; Xia, T., Interference in Autophagosome Fusion by Rare Earth Nanoparticles Disrupts Autophagic Flux and Regulation of an Interleukin-1 beta Producing Inflammasome. ACS Nano2014,8 (10), 10280-10292.

19.     Li, R.*; Wu, R. a.; Zhao, L.; Qin, H.; Wu, J.; Zhang, J.; Bao, R.; Zou, H.*, In vivo detection of magnetic labeled oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes by magnetic resonance imaging. Nanotechnology2014,25 (49).

20.     Li, R.; Wang, X.; Ji, Z.; Sun, B.; Zhang, H.; Chang, C. H.; Lin, S.; Meng, H.; Liao, Y.-P.; Wang, M.; Li, Z.; Hwang, A. A.; Song, T.-B.; Xu, R.; Yang, Y.; Zink, J. I.; Nel, A. E.; Xia, T.*, Surface Charge and Cellular Processing of Covalently Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Determine Pulmonary Toxicity. ACS Nano2013,7 (3), 2352-2368.

21.     Xu, X.#; Li, R.#; Ma, M.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Zou, H., Multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein does not recognize nanoparticle C-60: experiment and modeling. Soft Matter2012, 8 (10), 2915-2923.

22.     Li, R.; Wu, R. a.; Zhao, L.; Hu, Z.; Guo, S.; Pan, X.; Zou, H.*, Folate and iron difunctionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes as dual-targeted drug nanocarrier to cancer cells. Carbon 2011,49 (5), 1797-1805.

23.     Li, R.; Wu, R. a.; Zhao, L.; Wu, M.; Yang, L.; Zou, H.*, P-Glycoprotein Antibody Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Overcomes the Multidrug Resistance of Human Leukemia Cells. Acs Nano 2010,4 (3), 1399-1408.

24.     Li, R.; Zou, H.; Xiao, H.; Wu, R., Carbon nanotubes as intracellular carriers for multidrug resistant cells studied by capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fluorescence. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2010,625, 153-68.

25.  Li, R.; Wu, R. a.; Wu, M.; Zou, H.; Ma, H.; Yang, L.; Le, X. C., MEKC-LIF ****ysis of rhodamine123 delivered by carbon nanotubes in K562 cells. Electrophoresis2009,30 (11), 1906-1912.
