题目:Harness open genomic data and artificial intelligence to discover new cancer therapeutics

报告人: BinChen 教授





报告摘要:Rapidly decreasing costs of molecular measurement technologies not only enable profiling of disease sample molecular features (e.g., transcriptome, proteome, metabolome) at different levels (e.g., tissues, single cells), but also enable measuring of molecular signatures of individual drugs in clinically relevant models. Exploring methods to relate diseases to potentially efficacious drugs through various molecular features is critically important in the discovery of new therapeutics. We propose to employ a systems-based approach that identifies drugs that reverse the molecular state of a disease. Using this approach, we and others have successfully identified drug candidates for various diseases. We have shown that the success of this approach is made possible by multiscale procedures, such as quality control of tumor samples, selection of appropriate reference normal tissues, evaluation of disease signatures, and integration of drug expression profiles from multiple cell lines. There is a plethora of relevant datasets and analysis modules that are publicly available, yet are isolated in distinct silos, making it tedious, if not possible, to implement this approach in translational research for many labs. In this talk, I will describe in detail how these resources and analysis modules can be orchestrated in translational research. I will mainly use liver cancer as an example.


陈斌教授于1983年出生在重庆市酉阳县。2004年在重庆大学获得化学学士学位,之后在中科院上海有机化学研究从事化学信息学研究。2007年赴美国印第安纳大学学习并获得信息学博士学位。2012年博士毕业后在斯坦福大学跟随美国医学院院士 Atul Butte进行为期两年半的博士后训练。2015年受聘于加州大学旧金山分校,担任讲师,助理教授。20184月,密西根州立大学通过人才引进计划 (MSU Global Impact Initiative)招聘陈斌教授在该校开展精准化医疗研究。陈博士曾在诺华,辉瑞和默克等著名的研究所和药厂工作实习。

目前陈博士实验室主要从事利用人工智能和大数据来寻找个体化抗癌药物。目前实验室发表30多篇论文。近两年来,陈博士以第一作者或通讯作者身份在著名学术期刊发表论文包括Gastroenterology 1篇), Nature Communications 2篇), Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology1篇)。其成果获得STAT, GenomeWeb, HuffPost, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, KCBS,新华网等多家媒体报道。其实验室通过大数据发现肝癌药物的工作于2017年被选为加州大学旧金山分校十大癌症研究成果。曾多次获得领域类大奖包括职业发展大奖,并受邀在美国国内和国际上做学术报告。陈博士实验室的研究非常前沿并具有广泛的应用前景,年研究经费预算达一百万美金。与此同时,陈博士也致力于培养下一代新人,其辅导的学生曾入围美国因特尔天才奖半决赛。研究之外,陈斌博士联合了斯坦福,加州大学伯克利分校的教授们一同成立了非盈利组织大树(Dahshu),致力于生物大数据的教育普及。该组织活跃于中美之间,定期举行学术会议,组织各种大数据相关论坛。