报告题目: Experimental Thermodynamics on Nuclear Fuel and Waste Materials

报 告 人:郭啸风 助理教授






High-temperature calorimetry is a powerful and sensitive technique to probe material chemistry, chemical bonds, and local structuresby measuring the thermodynamic properties, such as heat capacity, heats of phase transition, heats of reaction, mixing and formation. In the field of nuclear material research, this techniqueis very useful for studying the thermal stability, phase diagrams, geochemical processes, material synthesis and chemical compatibility. In this talk, I will start with our recently built thermal capabilities in the Nuclear Science Center at WSU and its mission. I will then introduce the principle of high-temperature drop solution calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, followed by their applications to nuclear materials with examples ofthermodynamic studies on several U-containing compounds related to research on nuclear fuel materials, ceramic-based waste form, and actinide-containing minerals.


郭啸风现任华盛顿州立大学化学系助理教授,华盛顿州立大学Alexandra Navrotsky实验热力学研究所交叉学科研究组共同创办者,美国热力学研究协会Thermocon的主要创始成员。郭教授2014年于加州大学戴维斯分校获得化学博士学位。2015年至2017年受Glenn T. Seaborg奖的资助,在洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室进行博士后工作研究。郭教授于2018年加入华盛顿州立大学化学系,研究方向包括锕系物相、核肥料核核燃料的热力学,核矿物和核材料在高温、高压核其他极端条件下的行为,以及超铀热力学。郭教授在Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater., J. Nucl. Mater. 等期刊发表学术论文50多篇。