题目:Colloid-facilitated transport in porous medium and microscopic environment

报告人Ning Wu (吴宁)教授

             Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines,







Short Biosketch

Dr. Ning Wu joined Colorado School of Mines as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering in fall 2010. He holds a B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, and a Ph. D in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University. Before joining CSM he worked at Harvard University as a postdoctoral researcher. His research interest lies in synthesizing and controlling the structures of colloidal particles at different length scales, which are important for the development of efficient photovoltaics, novel colloidal emulsifiers, multi-functional nanomotors, as well as biomedical diagnostic/therapeutic systems. He received NSF Career award 2015. His work has also been funded by NSF, DOE, NASA, and ACS-PRF. His recent work have been featured on the cover of Advanced Functional Materials, selected by spotlights in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.