
主讲人:Dr. Dimitris Xirodimas, 法国大分子与生化研究中心(CRBM)








         Dr. Dimitris Xirodimas


Title: Ubiquitin-like molecules under stress

Speaker: Dr. Dimitris Xirodimas, Research Center on Macromolecules Biochemistry (CRBM), France

Time: 14:30, 4th September, 2012

Place: 4th floor meeting room

Host: Dr. Geng Liu

Abstract: Post-translational modifications of proteins with ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like molecules (Ubls) such as SUMO and NEDD8 are critical mechanisms of protein function regulation. It is now believed that these pathways are involved in the control of almost every biological process in the cell, from protein destruction to regulation of transcriptional activity, subcellular localisation, DNA repair, endocytosis, signal transduction and autophagy. My research focuses on the role of ubiquitin and the ubiquitin-like (Ubl) molecule NEDD8 in the regulation of transcriptional activity and cell growth. These pathways have emerged as key regulators of protein stability and function and are major targets for Pharmaceutical companies for therapeutic intervention. Inhibitors of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway are used for the treatment of multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma, whereas inhibitors of the NEDD8 pathway are in clinical trials.

Selected publications

Leidecker O, Matic I, Mahata B, Pion E, XirodimasDP (2012) The ubiquitin E1 enzyme Ube1 mediates NEDD8 activation under diverse stress conditions.Cell Cycle 11(6):1142-50.

Mahata B, Sundqvist A and Xirodimas DP. (2011). Recruitment of L11RP at promoter sites of p53-regulated genes upon nucleolar stress through NEDD8 and MDM2 dependent manner. Oncogene 31(25):3060-71.

Alexandru G, Pariente N and Xirodimas DP. In the family with ubiquitin. (2011). EMBO reports 12(9):880-2.

Liu, G and Xirodimas DP (2010). NUB-1 controls the localization of p53 through  co-operation of the NEDD8 and ubiquitin pathways. Oncogene 29(15):2252-61.

Tatham MH, Rodriguez MS, Xirodimas DP and Hay RT(2009). Detection of protein SUMOylation in vivo. Nature protocols; 4(9):1362-71.

Sundqvist A, Liu G, Mirsaliotis A and Xirodimas DP (2009). Regulation of nucleolar signaling to p53 through NEDDylation of L11. EMBO reports;10(10):1132-9.

Xirodimas DP*, Sundqvist A, Nakamura A, Shen L, Botting C and Ronald T. Hay (2008). Ribosomal proteins are targets for the NEDD8 pathway. EMBO reports; 9(3):280-6.     * corresponding author

Xirodimas DP, Saville MK, Bourdon JC, Hay RT, Lane DP (2004). MDM2-mediated NEDD8 conjugation of p53 inhibits its transcriptional activity. Cell. ; 118(1):83-97.

Xirodimas DP, Saville MK, Edling C, Lane DP and Lain S. (2001). Different effects of p14ARF on the levels of ubiquitinated p53 and MDM2 in vivo.Oncogene 20(36):4972-83.