美国加州大学洛杉矶分校夏天副教授受苏州大学放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室欧洲杯官网特聘教授李瑞宾邀请,于20191226到苏大放医交流访问。交流会在苏大独墅湖校区举行,夏教授给作了题为PLGA nanoparticle for antigen specific immune tolerance”精彩报告。参加本次交流会的有辐射纳米毒理中心、分子影像与核医学研究中心、放射生物学研究中心、核能环境化学研究中心的师生交流会由李瑞宾主持。



接下来是学术报告,夏天副教授以“PLGA nanoparticle for antigen specific immune tolerance”为题,与大家分享了纳米颗粒引发肝组织免疫耐受用于治疗过敏等免疫疾病方面最新研究进展报告内容丰富,生动形象。报告结束,进行了广泛的交流讨论,并碰撞出几个新的研究课题从蛋白引发的炎性过敏反应的免疫耐受治疗研究小分子药物引发的炎性过敏反应的潜在治疗;从纳米疫苗佐剂研究到纳米引发肝组织免疫耐受等,大家收获颇多。




Dr. Tian Xia is the Associate Professor of Medicine in Division of NanoMedicine, Department of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His main research area is on the environmental and health impacts of engineered nanomaterials with the goal to understand the nanostructure property activity relationships. His has established toxicological profiles for over 100 different nanomaterials covering the major material categories including carbonaceous materials (fullerene, graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes (single-, multi-walled)), metal (Au, Ag) and metal oxides (transition metal oxide, rare earth oxide), silica, III-V materials. Research findings have been used for safer design of nanomaterials and development of environmental and biomedical applications. He has published over 120 articles and he was named Highly Cited Researcher in Chemistry in 2016 by Clarivate Analytics, with total citation over 30,000 and H factor at 60 according to Google Scholar.