2019121日,国际原子能机构(IAEAOleg Belyakov教授受苏州大学欧洲杯官网、放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室曹建平书记邀请到国重室交流,交流会在独墅湖校区举行。参加本次交流会的有放医书记曹建平、副院长许玉杰和周光明、院办主任朱本兴、国重综合办主任徐加英、各中心负责人及青年教师。会议由周光明主持。

曹建平书记代表苏大放医对Oleg Belyakov教授的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢,并简要向客人介绍了苏大放医的历史沿革、科研团队、支撑平台、研究成果、成果转化、国际国内的合作交流等。并希望以建成国内一流、国际知名放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室目标为契机,能够进一步加强与国际原子能机构等国际知名单位深度合作。

Oleg V.Belyakov教授是放射生物学和放射治疗学家,自2013年起在国际原子能机构(IAEA)核科学部人类健康司工作,参与了IAEA国际项目的管理、辐射技术的医学应用、辐射防护等相关的教育培训。Oleg V.Belyakov教授给大家分享了近期在电离辐射在细胞和三维组织模型中的最新研究,并表示非常乐意与苏大专家展开合作。





Oleg V. Belyakov is staff Radiation Biologist at the Section of Applied Radiation Biology and Radiotherapy, Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna since 2013. He holds a Ph.D. in Radiation Biology from Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland and Gray Cancer Institute, London, UK. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Radiation Biology at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio campus, Finland. He has been working in Radiation Research for more than 20 years. Dr. Belyakov’s main area of expertise is Radiation Biology. Specifically, he was studying Non-Targeted Effects of ionizing radiation in cell and 3D tissue models. Also, he was involved in Management of International Projects, Medical Applications of Radiation Technologies, Radiation Protection and Safety, Training and Education related to Radiation Effects. Dr. Belyakov is an IAEA observer at the UNSCEAR annual sessions and at the ICRP, Committee 1 “Radiation Effects”.